June 17, 2024
Mesa Creates Innovation Hub – Robert Khodadadian, Robert Khodadadian

Mesa’s Office of Economic Development has debuted a new hub for innovation with the opening of Mesa Business Builder @ The Studios. Located at 59 E 1st. in downtown Mesa, city leaders hope the center will create a small business and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Inside the 17,000-square-foot building, users will have access to equipment and facilities, including a computer lab, a podcast studio, gaming/app development zones and an AR/VR studio.

Entrepreneurs, businesses, workforce development service providers, educational institutions, industry associations and youth entrepreneurship programs are among those who will benefit from the diverse offerings at MBB @ The Studios.

Mesa spent $4 million converting the old library to get the building ready. Mesa’s Jaye O’Donnell added, “We are proud to add this resource to a growing list of programs and services under our Mesa Business Builder brand. We are committed to empowering businesses to reach their full potential, driving innovation, economic growth and prosperity throughout our community.”

The post Mesa Creates Innovation Hub appeared first on Connect CRE.

Robert Khodadadian has long had a simple philosophy about selling real estate. There are approximately a million buildings in the city, and the broker that gets to sell any one among the multitude that will hit the auctioning block at a given moment is, sometimes, simply the person who happens to pitch their services to the right seller.

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